redbox+ Dumpsters operations

Equipping Advisory Team (EAT)

Corporate Equipping Team Mission: To continually improve redbox+ Dumpsters franchisee’s equipping posture and provide effective, affordable equipment and support programs at the best value for new and used equipment


EAT Mission: Advisory role to improve new and used equipment, processes, and programs by gathering information, making recommendations, and prioritizing efforts


EAT Goals: Goal of the EAT is to increase value to the franchisees


EAT Members:

Garry Cook (Owner, redbox+ Dumpsters of NE Denver)

Ted Benson (Owner, redbox+ Dumpsters of NW Denver)

Jon Crofford (Owner, redbox+ Dumpsters of Fort Worth)

Ahmed Easley (Operations Officer, redbox+ Dumpsters of the Triad – Greensboro, NC)

Monthly Meetings

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